Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Updates updates and more updates! :D

AHH, there's so much to tell! Hmm, where do I even begin! SO much has happened since I last wrote on here. Let's start off with, I officially have a host family! Everyone says when they first find out they don't believe it, and I didn't believe it either! When my mom brought the letter upstairs to me and put it on the table, The first thought in my head was "Is this really happening?" haha. The package had all the information about, well, everything! I will be living in Enskede, which is about 10 minutes outside of Stockholm. I will also be attending Östra Reals Gymnasium, which is in Stockholm ;D. The picture of is it on the top!

So anyway, I leave January 14th, and I really can't believe it. After looking everything up last night, it really hit me that soon i'll be in a different country, in a brand new house and school. It exites me, but at the same time i'm starting to get very nervous! I'm really going to Sweden! It's all so real now, and I couldn't be more excited! I'll have more info soon! :D
Kramar och Pussar- Brianna