Let me start off by saying, my friend Sara told me to update this, and since it's her birthday today I had to do it xD. Grattis Sara!
Jag är så ledsen att jag inte har uppdaterat den här! Jag glömde faktiskt att jag hade en blogg! Just nu har jag inte skolan så jag kommer att kunna uppdatera oftare. hoppas jag!
På engelska- So sorry I haven't updated in a while, I actually forgot I had a blog xD. When I was about to leave to come to Sweden I thought it would be so easy to update my blog whenever I wanted to, but now that i'm actually here, I barely have the time since i'm almost always hanging out with friends. So, let me start with recapping the things I promised in the last post. First, I think in my last post I wrote about going to a ballet..yeah, I did, so i'll start with that. I went to a theater in stockholm with my host family, and we saw a modern ballet. It was actually really cool how the whole show was put together. I would write more about it but I don't really remember much anymore xD Second, a while ago my school had a big soccer tournament. Most of you are probably thinking it was after the school day had ended, but no, all of our classes were cancelled for the day just so we could play soccer. Each class in the school had a team of about 8 players, and the classes played against eachother all day. Anyone who wasn't playing was required to come and watch, so there were tons of people watching. My class, SP2E did well, so that was good :D not much more to say about that..
So, now onto the things I'be been up to lately. Basically, life in Sweden is heaven. I actually enjoy waking up everyday for school(something I never thought i'd say) My friends are AWESOME here, hence why i'm always super busy with something! I'm on "sportlov" at the moment, which in english directly translates to sport break. Basically we have a week off from school for no apparent reason...but hey, i'm not complaining! Hmm, for some reason whenever I sit down and try to write about what i'm doing, I always draw blanks...måste tänka.. :D
Oh! Another really cool thing...recently, My travel consultant has been emailing me saying that many newspapers and magazines want to interview me about my experience here, Which is honestly awesome. I'm looking forward to having the interviews and hopefully it will open more doors for me in the future, and also make more people want to become involved with the foreign exchange program!
Well, i'll try to come up with some more soon, and i'll try to update as soon as I can..ses snart! :D